YouTube Excel Tutorials

Be a part of the data-driven future

The Dave on Data mission is to empower any professional to develop practical data literacy skills and have more impact at work. The video tutorials below are a sample of the hours of free of content available for you to develop the skills needed for the data-driven future of business.

See what your Microsoft Excel skills make possible!

Python in Excel

Python in Excel will be one of the hottest technologies in 2024!

If you’re ready to differentiate yourself, you can’t go wrong learning Python in Excel. Want to know the best part?

You don’t have to wait for Microsoft to grant you access to build your Python in Excel skills right NOW!

Exploratory Data Analysis with Excel

Learn how to get to the “why” of what is going in the business using one of the best analytical tools out there - trusty old Excel!

In this 7-part YouTube tutorial series you learn how to use data visualizations like bar charts, histograms, box plots, and scatter plots to perform powerful Diagnostic Analytics.

Introduction to SQL for Excel Users

SQL remains one the most valuable of all data skills. Professionals with SQL skills can make maximum use of tools like Excel Power Query and Power BI.

In this 23-part YouTube tutorial series you will use your Excel skills to make learning SQL fun and easy.

Sound too good to be true? Check out the content!

Data Mining With Excel

In this 6-part YouTube tutorial series you will learn how to mine your business data using techniques like market basket analysis, RFM analysis, and k-means clustering.

Here’s the best part - no VBA code required!

Power Query for Advanced Analytics

Excel Power Query is a game-changer for any professional wanting to use Excel to have more impact at work with data. Power Query automates the process of acquiring, cleaning, and transforming your data - and it can handle millions of rows!

This 7-part YouTube tutorial series teaches you how to use Power Query to prepare your data for advanced analytics techniques like data mining.

Real-World Predictive Analytics Project

Looking to start your project portfolio with a real-world predictive analytics project? This project has all the things:

  • 100% free using US government data

  • Data that is dirty and needs to be wrangled/merged

  • Can be completed using different algorithms

The video to the right is one of a 3-part YouTube playlist that shows you how to start a project portfolio.