Machine Learning Bootcamp

3 Days. 15 Hands-On Labs. No Python Experience Required.

15 Hands-On Labs to Build ML Skills

I will teach three top-rated, hands-on machine learning courses with Python as a TDWI live virtual bootcamp this May.

These are the same ML courses I teach at TDWI conferences - but no travel is required!

You will be delighted by the hands-on focus of my training. Across the three ML Bootcamp courses, there are 15 hands-on Python labs.

These 15 hands-on Python labs are in addition to a free 4-hour online Python quick-start tutorial you will receive.

Machine Learning with Python Made Easy!

Lab 1 - Decision Trees
Lab 2 - Random Forests
Lab 3 - Feature Engineering
Lab 4 - Model Testing
Lab 5 - Model Improvement

Data Wrangling with Python Made Easy!

Lab 1 - Data Profiling
Lab 2 - The Mighty pandas
Lab 3 - Wrangling Strings
Lab 4 - Joining Data
Lab 5 - Wrangling Date-Time Data

Text Analytics with Python Made Easy!

Lab 1 - Tokenization
Lab 2 - Token Normalization
Lab 3 - Vector Space Model
Lab 4 - Document Clustering
Lab 5 - Document Classification


Attend all 3 days, and you will receive my Introduction to Machine online course as a gift!

Machine Learning with Me

The following video is an excerpt from a live virtual training. The video illustrates my unique teaching style, making machine learning accessible to any professional. The material covered comes from the live training course “Machine Learning Made Easy - No, Really!”

Jumpstart Your Python Data Science Skills

Live Virtual Machine Learning Training

Attend All Three Live Virtual Courses to Earn a Certificate:

Attend all 3 days, and you will receive my Introduction to Machine online course as a gift.

Be sure to check with your manager.

TDWI is an approved training vendor at many organizations.

What Professionals Have to Say

“Very good course as an intro to machine learning. I feel that with what I learned today I can put these skills into practice at work.”

— David Green, EMWD

“Fantastic intro ML course that’s presented in an engaging way. The content was easy to understand and the labs were easy to follow along. I’ve left the course wanting to dive deeper into the topic.”

— Jessica Liu, O-I Glass

“MIND BLOWN…not by the difficulty of the class, but by how EASY Dave makes machine learning within the reach of aspiring Data Scientists.

Easily the highlight of this year’s conference for me. I feel empowered to bring this material back to the job, put it to use, and teach it to others.”

— Chet Phelps, Health Solutions

“Best training and instructor I’ve had. Organized, clear, good pace, helpful examples, and an engaging and fun instructor.”

— Alex Kurtz, Sourceability

“I am so glad to have started the conference in Dave’s class. He set a wonderful tone for what is yet to come. I hope my other courses measure up!”

— Christina Mitchell, Naphcare

“Great class! Engaging instructor. Wish I would have had more time this week to attend his other sessions.”

— Matthew Royalt, Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline

Frequently Asked Questions

  • No worries! Attendees of any of my courses will receive free access to a 4-hour online Python tutorial. The tutorial is designed for professionals new to programming.

  • While some math is covered in the text analytics course, don't let this stop you!

    My courses are accessible to ANY professional, and no advanced math/statistics background is needed to attend.

  • The machine learning techniques (e.g., random forests) taught in the bootcamp are 100% compatible with Microsoft Excel Python formulas.

  • No! You can register for a single course. However, the three courses listed above are required to earn a TDWI certificate.

    NOTE - You also get my “Intro to ML” online course as a gift if you attend all three days.

  • Yes! There is a certificate awarded for taking the three courses listed above.

  • These courses are offered as live training experiences only at this time.

  • All of the above courses are available for live team training. Check out the Machine Learning Bootcamp for teams to learn more.

Machine Learning the Fun Way

The video below is an excerpt from a live virtual training. The video illustrates my unique teaching style, making machine learning accessible to any professional. The content comes from the live training course “Cluster Analysis for Data Science with Python.“

NOTE - This course isn’t being taught during the live virtual bootcamp, but there is a self-paced online version.

Jumpstart Your Python ML Skills

Attend All Three Live Virtual Courses to Earn a Certificate:

Attend all 3 days, and you will receive my Introduction to Machine online course as a gift.

Be sure to check with your manager.

TDWI is an approved training vendor at many organizations.