Build Real-World Skills Fast

Machine Learning Jumpstart

With permanent access to the recordings

🗓️ October 14th & 15th
9am to 5pm Central Time

Space is limited to 20 attendees - secure your spot today!
Registration closes October 4th

Live Virtual Training

DIY Data Science Training

Dodge the gatekeepers.
Ignore the nay-sayers.
You’ve got this if you want it.

Business Professionals

Under pressure to generate growth and maximize revenue

IT Professionals

Who want to cut costs
and gain a seat at the table


Ready to uplevel their skills in uncovering valuable insights

The Consultant vs. the DIY Data Scientist

Is your organization making this mistake?

So that you know, this is a true story.

I taught my Machine Learning Bootcamp back in February. It was well-attended, and there was one super-engaged attendee. We'll call her Charissa.

Charissa was (and is) highly motivated to be a DIY data scientist. Her many questions focused on how to apply machine learning to her business domain. We had great discussions on how she could apply these techniques at work.

Months later, I received an email from Charissa. Her organization had hired a consultant to build a machine learning model.

However, what Charissa saw in the consultant's work got her Spidey Sense tingling.

Something wasn't quite right. She filled me in on what was going on.

I was able to confirm Charissa's concerns. The consultant's work was not very good.

I see this regularly. Organizations are under pressure to embrace "data science," "big data," or "AI."

To show results fast, they hire consultants. Unfortunately, these organizations can't vet the skill levels of the consultants. So they gamble.

Most of the time, the gamble doesn't pay off. This is what happened with Charissa's organization.

The good news is that Charissa is taking over the project, and I have no doubt she will deliver value to the organization.

Now, let me ask you this.

How do you think Charissa’s leaders perceive her value to the organization?

Be Like Charissa

Supercharge your career with DIY data science skills.

Most data science isn’t done by data scientists. These days, professionals from all roles and backgrounds are building data science skills, putting their subject matter expertise to work, and impacting the business.

Machine Learning Jumpstart is designed to be your DIY data science “Easy Button.”

Everything you need to jumpstart your real-world skills is included. My mission is to get you to deliver value fast.

Check out the job titles of these DIY data scientists and what they have to say about how I can empower you:

IT Manager and DIY data scientist

Business Analyst and DIY data scientist

Andrew and Adam are far from unique. I have successfully trained 1000s of professionals who have built DIY data science skills like Charissa and are having more impact at work.

If they can do it, why not you?

What’s Inside the Jumpstart

I teach only the techniques I use in my real-world work.

I’m going to be honest. I’ve only needed a small number of machine learning techniques to get the job done.

The best thing about the techniques taught during the Jumpstart is that they are accessible to ANY professional.

No math beyond high school is needed. No calculus and no statistics.

I will teach you to effectively use decision tree machine learning techniques via intuitive data visualizations.

That means you can tune me out when I teach the math and return to it later if needed.

Honestly, I won’t be offended if you ignore me during the math sections.

  • What is Machine Learning?

    Data Analyst, Teacher

    Why Decision Trees?

  • Course Datasets

    Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

    Hands-on Lab #1

  • Classification Tree Intuition

    Overfitting Intuition

    Gini Impurity

    Split Quality

    Splitting Categorical Data

    Splitting Numeric Data

    Classification Trees with Python

    Hands-On Lab #2

  • Under/Overfitting

    The Bias-Variance Tradeoff

    Supervising the Data

    Model Tuning

    Classification Tree Pruning

    Measuring Awesomeness

    Splitting the Dataset

    Modeling Tuning with Python

    Hands-On Lab #3

  • Feature Engineering Intuition

    Data Leakage

    Decision Boundaries

    Engineering Numeric Features

    Engineering Categorical Features

    Engineering Date-Time Features

    Missing Data

    Hands-On Lab #4

  • Regression Tree Fundamentals

    Numeric Feature MSE

    Categorical Feature MSE

    Feature Evaluation

    Tuning Regression Trees

    Imputation with Regression Trees

    Hands-On Lab #5

  • Bad, Tree! Bad!



    Feature Randomization

    Random Forests with Python

    Hands-On Lab #6

  • Feature Importance

    Tuning Random Forests

    Model Testing

  • Additional Resources

    Wanna Kaggle?

Because Luke Had Yoda

1-on-1 Coaching to Help You Succeed

A whopping 82.3% of my audience told me they could benefit from 1-on-1 coaching. So, to help your DIY data science skills take flight, my Machine Learning Jumpstart comes with discounted coaching options.

Not sure if 1-on-1 coaching is right for you? Here is a sample of personalized topics we can cover:

  • Identifying high-impact use cases for machine learning.

  • Assessing the quality of your data for modeling.

  • Engineering features to craft the best models.

  • Algorithm selection and model tuning.

  • Model assessment and interpretation.

I can be the Yoda to your Luke Skywalker and help you learn the ways of data.

(Apologies. I couldn’t help the Star Wars reference. It’s how I roll.)

New to Python? No Problem!

I’ve got a FREE offering for you.

Machine Learning Jumpstart uses Python programming, but don’t let that scare you for two reasons:

  1. You only need to learn a subset of Python to use it effectively for machine learning.

  2. You can start with my free 7-hour Python Crash Course!
    Designed for professionals with no programming background, it’ll prepare you for the Jumpstart.

What folks have to say about my Python Crash Course

(BTW 👆 - I do have a SQL tutorial series on my YouTube channel.)

Greetings! I’m Your Instructor, Dave Langer.

LinkedIn Top Voice | Microsoft MVP | YouTuber

I’m not your typical data science instructor. I believe ANY professional can (and should) build DIY data science skills. To succeed in this mission, I have to do one thing and do it well.

I have to make learning data science fun.

Yes, you read that correctly.

I won’t lie. Many find the idea of applying machine learning intimidating. It shouldn’t be. It’s a skill like any other. You get better with practice.

Making learning data science fun makes getting started less intimidating. That’s the experience I will deliver to you during the Jumpstart. Real-world machine learning skills and an enjoyable two days filled with laughs.

And, if it’s right for you, I can also be your 1-on-1 coach after the Jumpstart.

You’ve got this if you want it.

What DIY Data Scientists Have to Say

The same top-rated training I bring to conferences and corporate clients.

MIND BLOWN…not by the difficulty of the class, but by how EASY Dave makes machine learning within the reach of aspiring Data Scientists.

Easily the highlight of this year’s conference for me. I feel empowered to bring this material back to the job, put it to use, and teach it to others.”
— Chet Phelps, Health Solutions

“Fantastic intro ML course that’s presented in an engaging way. The content was easy to understand and the labs were easy to follow along. I’ve left the course wanting to dive deeper into the topic.”
— Jessica Liu, O-I Glass

“Very good course as an intro to machine learning. I feel that with what I learned today I can put these skills into practice at work.
— David Green, EMWD

“Best training and instructor I’ve had. Organized, clear, good pace, helpful examples, and an engaging and fun instructor.”
— Alex Kurtz, Sourceability

The Escape Hatch

What if you can’t make it?

I get that sometimes life changes plans - even if that means missing DIY data science training with me. If you register for one of the 20 Jumpstart seats and need to cancel, send me an email by September 27th, and I will issue you a complete refund.

If life throws you a curve ball after September 27th, you will still have permanent access to the Zoom recordings.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Machine Learning Jumpstart is a 2-day live virtual training happening October 14th and 15th from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Time.

  • When the class size is too large, I don't have the time to provide 1-on-1 help during the labs.

    Limiting the class size allows me to help everyone and answer all questions.

  • Yes! The Zoom recordings will be uploaded after the Jumpstart, and you will have permanent access to them.

  • No! While the math of decision trees is covered for completeness, there are three things you need to know:

    1. The level of math is high school-level and no knowledge of calculus or statistics are required.

    2. If you choose, you can ignore the math sections and still be effective with decision trees and random forests.

    3. You can always watch the recordings later if you would like to brush up on the math.

  • The Jumpstart assumes a certain level of skill with Python and Jupyter Notebooks.

    Worry not! My free Python Crash Course tutorial series on YouTube will teach you everything you need to know for the Jumpstart.

  • Hands-on labs are conducted during the Jumpstart, so I can help you if you get stuck.

    If needed, I will fire up a breakout room to provide 1-on-1 assistance.

  • You have up to 180 days after the Jumpstart to use your 1-on-1 coaching calls.

    Scheduling coaching calls is easy. I will email you a link to a Calendly after the Jumpstart.

  • No problem! The Zoom recordings will be uploaded after the Jumpstart. You can access the recordings at any time to catch up on what you miss.

  • You can cancel your registration anytime through September 27th.

    Just send me an email, and I will issue you a full refund.

  • The Introduction to Machine Learning online course is available in partnership with TDWI and covers the same material.

  • The Jumpstart is the same content I deliver to my corporate training clients.

    If you need team training, check out my Machine Learning Bootcamp for Teams.

You’ve Got Machine Learning if You Want It!

This live virtual training is limited to just 20 attendees -
secure your spot today!

Training Only

  • 2 Days of live virtual training, Oct 14th & 15th

  • 7 hands-on labs

  • PDF of all slides

  • Permanent access to recordings

+ Coaching Lite

  • 2 Days of live virtual training, Oct 14th & 15th

  • 7 hands-on labs

  • PDF of all slides

  • Permanent access to recordings

  • 3 x 60-minute coaching calls

Most Popular

SAVE $150 on coaching!

+ Serious Coaching

  • 2 Days of live virtual training, Oct 14th & 15th

  • 7 hands-on labs

  • PDF of all slides

  • Permanent access to recordings

  • 6 x 60-minute coaching calls

SAVE $300 on coaching!

Registration closes October 4th